Self-Governing Organisations

Focus on purpose, not position

Self-governing organisations seek to replace the conventional management hierarchy with a tested, customizable self-management practice that increases transparency, accountability and organisational agility. Through a transparent rule-set and a tested meeting process, these practices empower people throughout an organisation to make meaningful decisions and drive change.

We help our clients to build agile organisations with self-managed collaborative teams, with distributed authority that permits each member to be leader in their role.

“We don’t hire smart people to tell them what to do. We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”

– Steve Jobs

Why it Matters

Research shows that every time the size of a city doubles, innovation or productivity per resident increases by 15 percent. But when companies get bigger, innovation or productivity per employee generally goes down. Traditional management and governance structures have never been effective at managing knowledge workers. In this highly disruptive age of business, that weakness is no longer sustainable.

Just a few of the symptoms of these outdated models include:

  • change resistance
  • broken communications
  • unclear ownership of decision-making
  • overwhelmed staff
  • ineffective meetings
  • disengaged staff
  • rigid and poorly defined roles and accountabilities
  • lack of initiative
  • politics and influence games

The result of all of these is underperforming organisations that cannot respond to their changing environments.

How we do it

We partner with companies to define aligned objective and key results, and to understand progress toward those objectives using private and public data. This empowers staff to make data-driven decisions in real-time from business insights they trust.

Our key tool for building self-governing organisations is Holacracy. We are the only licensed provider of Holacracy based in Australasia.




“When we attempt to predict the future in an unpredictable world, not only are we deluding ourselves, but worse we are actually inhibiting our ability to sense and respond to reality in the present moment. When you impose a “should”—as in “I should be X in five years’ time”—you create an attachment to that outcome; the attachment limits your ability to sense when reality is not going in that direction, or when other possible opportunities arise that might conflict with what you first set out to achieve.”

― Brian Robertson

Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World