Self-Organising Thoughts
Latest Thoughts From the selforg team
This is where you’ll find the latest thoughts and writing from the SelfOrg Consulting team. We discuss topics ranging from leadership and self-organisation toolsets, to the task and project management methodologies necessary to deliver the day to day work of the business.
Creating Clear Tensions using Stacks
An area I find people sometimes struggling with as they adopt Holacracy is the area of defining their tensions clearly and succinctly; of course, seasoned practitioners know that this is not necessarily required as the process allows for development but in terms of...
Does Holacracy Really Work?
Why You Need Holacracy In Your Organization Holacracy is a new way of organizing and managing an organization. It is not just a management system, it is an operating system. It is designed to replace the old hierarchical organisational structures with a flat structure...
The Critically Most Important Place to Start with GTD
People worldwide are discovering the Getting Things Done® methodology; and often I’m asked, “Where should I start?!” They have either read the book, been to a seminar, heard about it on a podcast or from a friend; and they have sufficient inspiration or at least...
What Have You Done Lately?
What have you done lately? I mean, what have you actually finished, completed, and accomplished? If you haven’t made a list in the last year, I would highly recommend that you take a few minutes and capture that. It has always intrigued me how much a...
Is Your World Outrunning You?
There is nothing new in the world, except how frequently things are new, and the number of people having to accept and adapt consistently to that reality. The difference between your world and that of your parents is in how much less you can count on anything...
Where’s the Kernel in the Creative Process?
Hi Folks, If you’re like me, you might wish for a way to speed up the cycle of creativity, to accomplish something faster and with less uncertainty during the process. Unfortunately, I have not found that it works that way. But I have found that there are reliable...