Self-Organising Thoughts

Latest Thoughts From the selforg team

This is where you’ll find the latest thoughts and writing from the SelfOrg Consulting team. We discuss topics ranging from leadership and self-organisation toolsets, to the task and project management methodologies necessary to deliver the day to day work of the business. 

BLOG: David Allen: Why does he (still) do it?

BLOG: David Allen: Why does he (still) do it?

When I heard that David Allen was coming to Australia on a speaking tour, I couldn’t wait to see him. As a fan of his methodology, a practitioner of 15 years, and a GTD certified trainer-in-training, I was keen to see what I might learn from the master himself. I sat...

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Why GTD is Horizon Independent

Why GTD is Horizon Independent

Dear David, Why does Getting Things Done® focus on the “weeds” rather than the higher-level stuff? Why don’t we start with goals and vision and then make our way to day-to-day work? Sincerely, Aspirational Dear Aspirational, I appreciate your question. The...

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