Two themes for the GTD Summit
The global GTD Summit we’re organizing for this coming June has two primary themes, neither of which is about working harder or longer, or motivating yourself in any kind of “rah, rah!” way. They are:
- The strategic value of clear space, and
- There are no problems, only projects
In my experience the essential aspects of being in a productive state are having a clear head and being appropriately engaged with the object of your attention and focus. In other words, being truly present and in the driver’s seat of your life and work situations.
Headlining our event with “turbocharge your productivity” may seem incongruous with what I’ve just written about our content. But virtually every one of our 40+ presenters will express and demonstrate the kind of dynamic (and productive) results that are produced by one or both of our two themes.
Whether it’s Dr. Julie Flagg talking about the lives she’s saved through applying GTD in her OB/GYN practice, Dean Acheson elaborating on the organizational changes facilitated by identifying and clearing up “open loops,” Robyn Scott sharing how these practices impact significant NGO initiatives, or Mark Wallace telling stories of kids applying GTD in his elementary school classroom, there will be common perspectives that can be applied by any of us, any time, in our own meaningful endeavors.
But we don’t seem to be born inherently applying the core principles of Getting Things Done®. They have to be learned and made habitual to really “turbocharge your productivity.” And even though the methodology may already be understood and to some degree applied, if you’re like me you can consistently use reminders of how to take things to a new and more elegant level.
The Summit will be a feast of such.
Learn more at
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