Effective Internal Meetings
Internal meetings held within an organisation are not about winning friends and influencing people; they are about getting things done. I’ve attended meetings and found myself in the middle of a power struggle or relationship maelstrom and left questioning the outcome and purpose.
Internal meetings can be frustrating, confusing and a waste of everyone’s time. Alternatively, they can be satisfying, clear and productive if a structured process is applied where the main focus is on getting work done.
Here’s how:
- A ruthless meeting process, defining the exact structure of the meeting using a strict set of rules that apply to everyone.
- Allocate a facilitator to hold to the rules, and the meeting stays focused.
- Document clear outcomes and instantly distribute.
- Have a specific purpose for every meeting.
Operations (tactical) and Governance meetings are two types of meeting processes. Tactical Meetings deal with the operational aspects and focus on specific actions and projects. As outlined in the insert, this type of meeting will have an immediate effect on an organisation when facilitated correctly. A strictly process-driven tactical meeting creates clarity on what work needs to be done while allowing the team to synchronise quickly and effectively. Governance Meetings are directed at power, authority, and structure.
Holacracy is a real-world-tested social technology for organisations where Tactical and Governance meetings are just part of the process. It drives agile and purposeful organisations by radically changing the structure, altering how decisions are made and redistributing power.
25 %
only 20% of managers believe that their systems for managing commitments across silos, work well all or most of the time
Why Strategy Execution Unravels, HBR - 2015Join the Discussion